Activities 2013

Community Outreach Activity Program:


Science at Hand Day at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History:

During the past 4 years, Fernbank Museum has hosted an annual Science at Hand Day, where activities are provided for elementary school-age children. Local community scientists and science enthusiasts are invited to the event to present activities and demos for the children. On November 9, 2013 a group of 4 EERI members attended the event to spread awareness about earthquakes and structural engineering. Demonstrations of structural performance of a building frame models on a shake-table were well received. Children and parents were given an opportunity to create their own models and test them. Children also participated in a bridge design computer game activity. The children competed to design the most economical, but structurally sound, bridge. Both students and parents enjoyed the activities and were active participants, asking many questions.

Fern Bank m= Museum 1ed

Students enjoying the shake table demonstration at the Fernbank Museum




EERI Goes to High School, Meadowcreek High School Engineering Club:

As part of the new EERI Goes to High School program, the EERI officers visited the Meadowcreek HS Engineering Club on March 10, 2014. The club held 3 student meetings that day. Each one lasted approximately 45 minutes. During the meetings, EERI officers showed a presentation regarding earthquake engineering and earthquake hazard mitigation. After a Q & A session with the club students, shake table demos were shown to demonstrate the effects of mass and stiffness on structural frequencies and general EQ response using sinusoidal excitations as well as Kobe and Northridge ground motion records. The students were also given an opportunity to build their own models for shake-table testing. Overall the activities were effective in creating interest in engineering among high school students. The MHS Engineering Club advisor invited GT-EERI for a similar activity during the 2014-2015 academic year.



EERI team at Meadowcreek High School




School Outreach at Drew Charter School:


On April 16, 2014 the EERI officers attended the Drew Charter School to provide an activity based learning activity in the earth sciences class. Activities were similar those performed at Meadowcreek High School (read above). However, the technical content was adjusted to a 6th grade level and there was more emphasis on plate tectonics and earthquake theory since this was an earth science class. A total of 4 classes participated in the activity. Before the presentation and shake table demos, the teacher asked students to write observation summaries. Students were encouraged to add and modify to these summaries during a Q & A session following our presentation and after building models for shake table tests. Students were very engaged the entire time. The teacher and one of the school’s directors were very pleased with the activity. They invited GT-EERI again for the 2014 Fall semester.


Outreach at Drew Charter school